Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Saucy Aprons. Get it? Because they're aprons. And aprons get sauce on them. And also because they're SAUCY!

No? Still don't get it--Oh, sure you do!

saucy (adj).- 1. Impertinent in an entertaining way; impossible to repress or control.
                               2. pert; jaunty

Now that we've got that settled, Welcome to Saucy Aprons, my soon-to-be failed business venture. --Well, maybe not really a business venture. More like just me selling some cute aprons if you want them, but if you don't, then I really can't help you.

How did Saucy Aprons get started you may ask? Good question: Peer Pressure.

That's right, kids. My friends made me do it. More specifically, my neighbor-lady friends.

Who can resist these women? --Not me!

You see, I'm a fairly recent transplant to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania by way of South Carolina. And since I wanted to fit in with my crafty-cool friends here, I had to get craftin'...I mean, crackin'. (Ok. Craftin'. Yeah, I used crafting as a verb. You can shoot me now.)

These girls are talented! I've got one neighbor who is the master of Teeny-Tiny Baby Hats and another who is, like, seriously, a professional pottery lady. She makes incredible stuff. And, then, there's my sweet neighbor who will out-sell us all with her personalized wooden blocks, which people go nuts for around here. Pennsylvania people love wooden blocks. Face it: She knows her market.

Anyway, as I said, I wanted to fit in with the cool kids, so I decided to start making aprons. Why aprons, you ask? Well. Because I'm awesome at sewing. (Seriously. I've won an award!*) --AND they're fun and cute.

Fun and Cute in Progress...

And, coming here from South Carolina, I fully understand the importance of fun and cute. There are women down there who can and will kill you with their funness and cuteness. (Rest assured, I am not one of those women.) --But I do know fun and cute when I see it, and these aprons fit the bill.

What are my apron inspirations?, you ask. Well, retro-adorable is a newly made-up term that comes to mind. My aprons look like something that would have hung in your grandma's kitchen, if only she were as cute as you. I love an apron with some rick-rack, but not too much rick-rack. Because, as we all know, there's a fine line between looking cute and looking like an idiot.

(Although, if I just could find a way to include those old-school curtain pom-pom thingies on an apron, I would totally do it. But I don't think the world is ready for that just yet.)

You should also know that I'm not really about ruffles or lace. Ruffles and lace have their place, just not on my aprons. Because, for all of their cuteness, these aprons are also very functional. Wear 'em, wipe your saucy hands on 'em, throw 'em in the wash. And look super cute while doing it. I want you to wear these aprons. Not for them to wear you.

And, also, because I'm shameless, I've made a whole bunch of cutie-pie little girl aprons. You will not be able to resist them. I repeat: "You will not be able to resist them..."

You can buy them for your daughters or nieces or grand-daughters, or you can get all matchy-matchy and buy a big one for you and a li'l one for her. I won't judge you. You'll be adorable. Just please don't get formal portraits made in them. It will show up on some day, and I just don't need that kind of advertising.

"How can I buy one of these precious creations?," you ask. Well, you'll have to wait and see! This is just a sneak peek to get you interested. I'll post more actual pictures of actual aprons later. --You see, I'm doing my first craft fair this weekend (for an estimated 40,000 people in Lititz, PA--Insane!!), and I might need a little recovery time afterwards. Or, who knows? Maybe I'll be all fired up and ready to go!

I'll be sure to post pictures of the event, as well of my super cute aprons. And then you will cry and gnash your teeth because you missed out on all of the fun. --But then you'll imagine drying your tears with one of my cute aprons, and then maybe you'll buy one...And then we'll both be happy.

Wish me luck!

*I won my sewing award in high school and it was seriously one of the more humiliating moments of my life. Senior Awards Day. A class of 500 students. Me, a bit of a nerd. --"Best Sewer in the Senior Class." Oh, joy.

1 comment:

  1. i love you, janet lynn. how in the world is it possible that i had no idea you sewed. and that you were voted "Best Sewer in the Senior Class." it makes me heart you even more! i hope the craft fair went well. thought about you today when i drove by your house:( i miss you. xoxo
