Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Open for Business


Well, I survived the Lititz Craft Fair (soo many people!) and sold a lot of aprons.

I'll post pictures from the event very soon, but I wanted to get my on-line catalogue up before I lost momentum. (Hey--It's been known to happen...)

I take the inspiration for my catalogue from my good friend J. Peterman. He taught me everything I know about over-the-top product description.

I like to imagine that this is what he looks like...

My other inspiration comes from every book or TV show I ever read/watched in my life. You'll see what I mean...

I plan to have an Apron du Jour (which roughly translates into Apron of the Week, n'est pas? Because one per day seems like a lot). I also plan to write unnecessarily in-depth narratives about each apron, mostly for my own entertainment. If you happen to fall in love with an apron as you get to know it better, so be it. Then I guess you'll just have to buy it.

Also, I'm not on etsy.com yet, mostly because I find the idea a little intimidating. That may change as I slowly, but surely, take over the world's apron market...

But, for now, I plan to be a completely low-grade, slightly unprofessional, part-part-part-part-part time operation. And I'm just cocky enough to think that's what you like about it.

That's all for now!

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