Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Fall Collection

Welcome to Saucy Aprons: The Fall Collection.

For those of you who don't already know me, let me take a moment to introduce myself:

I am a very fancy person. Some would say that I have a quaint, old world charm that effortlessly combines with an irresistable urban sophistication. Unfortunately, I've never met anyone who used exactly those terms to describe me, but I'm still looking.

When I'm not being extraordinarily fabulous, I take time to hand-craft the most exquisite aprons the world has ever seen. Those aprons, unfortunately, are not for sale here. I'm saving them for when the Metropolitan Museum of Art calls for my help with an exhibit on American Home Arts.

The aprons I sell here are still quite wonderful, however. I was careful not to make them too perfect because I know how very off-putting that can be. The occasional crooked seam or dangling thread are put there for your comfort--and to reassure you that we are all part of this crazy human race. They are not--I repeat, NOT--because I was distracted while sewing by a kid running through the room or by a baby hijacking the foot pedal of my sewing machine mid-seam. Because that never happened.

And if it did, I wouldn't tell you about it. Because that's not very professional-sounding.

That being said, I hope you enjoy the collection.

Aprons are back, baby!


Aprons for Ladies

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm - SOLD
Apron 1

Billy-Boy (Can She Bake a Cherry Pie?)
Apron  2

Penelope - SOLD
Apron  3

Midge - SOLD
Apron  4

Petticoat Junction
Apron 5

For more aprons, including little girl sizes, click HERE.

All ladies aprons are $20 (plus shipping). Little girl aprons are just $10.

Spread the word!

PS. Finally got my booty in gear and put this stuff on etsy.com. Not nearly as complicated as I thought it would be, so there you go! If you see an apron here that I haven't posted there yet, let me know. I'll get it posted on the double! -Janet (Aug. 21)


  1. These are the most fabulous aprons I have ever seen, and I do know a thing or two about aprons. I am also a very fancy lady, who spends most of her day in the kitchen creating amazing meals that have actually brought a tear to the eye. I love these aprons, even if they are not perfect.

  2. Love your aprons! and, btw, is that photo of you from Italy? : )

  3. I understand "aprons for ladies," but, Janet, I cook, and, well, I'm no lady. Granted, I'm not very manly. OK, I'll just have to get one for Nora Grace and Elizabeth. But, I'm just saying, I'm doing all the cooking. Where's my apron?
